My Biodata

Hi,I am Wergil from Malaysia.I am a student in University Tenaga Nasional Putrajaya Campus, taking course of Foundation in Computer Science,major in System and Networking. Besides, I'm being a Businessman & Investor as i admire and found out a company named DXN. It gives me a lot of opportunities either in healthy or wealthy. Besides, "1 DXN 1 FAMILY" this concept bring me a lot of feelings. In DXN, we seem like a family,we met together,we trained together, we learned together,we multiplied together,and we managed it together!! We lived in a healthy life and lead people to be healthy and healthiest. 
Otherwise, i learned how to communicate with different race, different culture,and different religion people. In the nutshell, I'm not a BOSS but I'm a LEADER, leading the young generation to success in a wealthy life with healthy way!Thanks you.

Present: Conduct the health talk continuously to lead all the young people and teach them how to live with healthy and wealthy.